Sweet Tooth Recovery with Hypnosis.

Are you struggling to break free from your sugar and processed carbohydrate cravings?

Hypnosis taps into your subconscious, addressing the root causes of these cravings and empowering you to make healthier food choices. Break free from the sugar trap.

Hypnotherapy 3 sessions

Investment— $525.00 includes consultation, initial sessions, and reinforcement sessions. Recordings are included upon request.


Three Ways to Eliminate Sugar Cravings Now

  1. Check Your Thyroid. Low thyroid activity may contribute to sugar cravings. Signs of this condition include dry skin, fatigue, cold hands, and feet.

  2. Ditch the Artificial Sweeteners. Don’t be fooled Artificial sweeteners cause weight gain by tricking your brain but it backfires and reeks havoc on your insulin levels and decreases the serotonin levels in the brain. Fructose is also wise to stay away from and can be found in “healthy fruit juices, nectar or anything lite” eg. Sweetened agave. Fructose interrupts your body’s natural ability to know when you are full.

  3. Don’t Skip Breakfast. Eating a sensible, healthy, non-processed breakfast complete with protein helps to eliminate sugar cravings throughout the day.

Just the Facts About Sugar:

  • Eating excess sugar causes 20 times more annual deaths than smoking.

  • People eat over 100 times the amount of refined sugar than we did just 40 years ago, approximately 120 lbs a year

  • Research and studies have proven sugar can weaken the immune system, contribute to the aging process, raise stress levels, contribute to Type II diabetes, and create more fat in your body (sugar is a carbohydrate).

  • Every cell in your body functions better without it.

  • Your body craves sugar, every cell in your body functions through using glycogen

  • Eat meals rich in protein, including breakfast. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep to eliminate sugar cravings.

  • The best way to quit sugar is to replace it with healthy raw fruit sugars like berries, and small amounts of dark chocolate

  • You don’t require more organization or discipline, what your body craves is rest, skipping meals only exacerbates the cravings and disrupts your blood sugar.